Friday, May 30, 2014

Summer Plans

Internships are an important portion of building a strong resume regardless of your major.  If you are studying journalism , try getting an internship at a newspaper company or if a biology major, an internship in a laboratory. The purpose is to provide first-hand experience of the field that you are pursuing a career in. 

On that note(lol), I applied and got accepted into a research internship at a neighboring university. Luckily, it is paid! I just completed my first week, and I must say I love every aspect of it. It justifies my passion for this career. 

I want to transfer to this university as a junior, so being on the campus is really opening doors of opportunities for me to see first-hand and speak to personnels(professors or students) who are in my field. 

The first two weeks, we will be learning laboratory techniques such as isolating DNA, making agarose gel for electrophoresis, agar gels for cell cultures and e.t.c. The following 8 weeks we are paired with a mentor(research-conducting professor from the university) as an assistant for their specific research. I believe each professor also has a graduate student in the labs with them. At the end of the 10 weeks, we will make a poster of our publishings and hopefully present it at a science conference later this year in Texas. 

I am beyond estatic for these upcoming weeks! I must give all glory to God for really paving the way and presenting me with such a grand opportunity. Thank you Lord. 

Officially a REAL College Student

School has been over for two weeks now and I officially completed my first year as a college student. I definately would not say it was easy but I did try my best. My first semester was very good but second semester wasn't great.  I think it's because I was taking 18 credits(the max) and that made it so much more harder for me to reach my full potential in each class. Also taking chemistry and biology at the same time, my tests for both classes always fell a day apart, making it very hard to balance study time.  

I still have two more years to increase my GPA(before I start applying to med schools) so I will not beat myself up. Also it's very hard when pressure is coming from both parents and they don't to understand that I really worked very hard.

On that note, I'm looking forward to what summer has to offer.