Wednesday, February 19, 2014

NOTD: Ruby Kisses Orange U Over?

Beautiful neon orange polish that I had in my stash and hadn't used for over a year! Sure don't regret ever buying it!

And used my favorite top coat~Out The Door
Simply amazing!

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Reverse Nostalgia

Last night, I stayed up until about 2 AM, studying for my first Chemistry test this semester. (NY snow storms have been a HUGE pain in the you-know-what.) I was so sleepy but I was determined to memorize the names and patterns of hydrocarbons, knowing my professor would throw such a curveball question on the test.

I will not succumb to the addicting power of coffee so I remain a tea addict: I prepared a concoction of teas- chamomile, green, ginger, and Lipton along with a cinnamon stick and fresh lemon slices.(And sugar of course!) While my entire family were peacefully snoring their worries away, I sat alone at my dining table reading Tro's A Molecular Approach.

The reverse nostalgia now enters as I adjust my futuristic lens. I see myself in my med school apartment, some four years from now, up all night studying for the preservation of my future. After hearing so many med students stories, I can conclude that Med School is probably the hardest thing to overcome. But in that moment, I flash-forward to that happy moment~living the dream~but not yet the reality.

And in that moment, I felt such happiness. ~Reverse Nostalgia